Top 115 Decluttering Tips To Get Organized in 2024

Top 115 Decluttering Tips to Get Organized in 2024

Decluttering Tips

Decluttering is a powerful way to reclaim your space, reduce stress, and create a more organized and efficient home. Whether you’re embarking on a major decluttering project or just looking to tidy up, these 60 tips will help you get organized in 2024.

General Decluttering Tips

  1. Start Small: Begin with a small area like a drawer or a shelf to build momentum and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  2. Set Goals: Define clear, achievable goals for each decluttering session to stay focused and motivated.
  3. Create a Plan: Outline a decluttering plan for each room, specifying the areas you’ll tackle first.
  4. Use a Timer: Set a timer for 15-30 minutes to work on decluttering in manageable chunks.
  5. Sort Items: Use the “Four-Box Method” (Keep, Donate, Trash, Relocate) to sort items.
  6. One Room at a Time: Focus on one room at a time to avoid spreading the clutter around.
  7. Declutter Regularly: Make decluttering a regular habit to prevent accumulation.
  8. Take Before and After Photos: Document your progress with before and after photos to see your achievements.

Decluttering Your Bedroom

  1. Clear the Nightstand: Remove everything from your nightstand and only put back essentials like a lamp and alarm clock.
  2. Organize the Closet: Sort your clothes by category and donate or discard items you haven’t worn in a year.
  3. Under-Bed Storage: Use storage bins under your bed for items like out-of-season clothing or extra linens.
  4. Limit Bedside Items: Keep only necessary items by your bed to maintain a calm and clutter-free space.
  5. Declutter Dresser Drawers: Go through each drawer, folding clothes neatly and discarding anything worn out.
  6. Minimalist Decor: Simplify your bedroom decor to create a serene and restful environment.
  7. Shoe Storage: Use shoe racks or organizers to keep your footwear tidy and accessible.

Decluttering Your Living Room

  1. Clear the Coffee Table: Keep your coffee table clear except for a few decorative items or books.
  2. Sort Media: Organize DVDs, CDs, and games, and consider digitizing your collection to save space.
  3. Tidy Cables: Use cable organizers to keep cords and cables from becoming tangled eyesores.
  4. Manage Remote Controls: Use a tray or basket to store remote controls in one place.
  5. Limit Decor: Choose a few meaningful decor items instead of cluttering surfaces with many pieces.
  6. Declutter Bookshelves: Sort through books and donate or sell those you no longer read or need.
  7. Create a Toy Zone: If you have children, designate a specific area for toys and encourage them to tidy up regularly.

Decluttering Your Kitchen

  1. Clear Countertops: Keep countertops as clear as possible, storing appliances and utensils in cabinets.
  2. Organize Pantry: Sort pantry items by category and use clear containers for easy visibility.
  3. Declutter Cabinets: Go through each cabinet and remove duplicate or unused kitchen gadgets.
  4. Tidy the Fridge: Regularly clean out the fridge, discarding expired items and organizing shelves.
  5. Sort Utensil Drawers: Use dividers to keep utensils organized and easy to find.
  6. Manage Cookbooks: Keep only your most-used cookbooks and consider digital versions for others.
  7. Simplify Dishware: Limit the number of plates, bowls, and glasses to what you regularly use.

Decluttering Your Bathroom

  1. Sort Toiletries: Discard expired products and organize toiletries by category.
  2. Clear the Counter: Keep bathroom counters clear by storing products in cabinets or drawers.
  3. Tidy the Shower: Use a shower caddy to organize shampoo, soap, and other bath products.
  4. Declutter Under the Sink: Use bins or drawers to organize cleaning supplies and toiletries.
  5. Limit Towels: Keep only a few sets of towels and donate or repurpose the rest.
  6. Manage Makeup: Regularly go through makeup and discard expired or unused products.
  7. Organize Medicine Cabinet: Sort medications and dispose of any that are expired or no longer needed.

Decluttering Your Home Office

  1. Clear the Desk: Keep your desk surface clear by storing supplies in drawers or organizers.
  2. Sort Paperwork: Use a filing system for important documents and discard or digitize unnecessary papers.
  3. Manage Supplies: Keep office supplies to a minimum and store them in labeled containers.
  4. Tidy Cables: Use cable management solutions to keep cords organized and out of sight.
  5. Organize Drawers: Use drawer dividers to keep office supplies neatly organized.
  6. Limit Decor: Keep your home office decor simple to create a productive workspace.
  7. Sort Books: Only keep books and manuals that are relevant and useful for your work.

Decluttering Your Garage

  1. Sort Tools: Organize tools by type and store them in a toolbox or on a pegboard.
  2. Declutter Sports Equipment: Donate or sell sports equipment you no longer use.
  3. Use Shelving: Install shelves to keep items off the floor and make the most of vertical space.
  4. Label Containers: Use clear, labeled containers to store seasonal items and other infrequently used items.
  5. Create Zones: Divide the garage into zones for different activities (e.g., gardening, sports, tools).
  6. Tidy the Workbench: Keep the workbench clear and organized by storing tools and materials properly.
  7. Regular Maintenance: Schedule regular garage cleanouts to keep the space organized and functional.

Decluttering Your Closet

  1. Use Hangers Wisely: Use matching hangers for a streamlined look and consider slim hangers to save space.
  2. Sort by Category: Group similar items together (e.g., shirts, pants, dresses) for easy access.
  3. Rotate Seasonally: Store out-of-season clothing in bins or another closet to free up space.
  4. Limit Accessories: Keep only the accessories you regularly use and donate or sell the rest.
  5. Tidy Shoes: Use shoe racks or clear boxes to keep footwear organized and visible.
  6. Declutter Bags: Sort through bags and purses, keeping only those you use and love.
  7. Organize Shelves: Use shelf dividers or baskets to keep folded clothes neat and organized.

Decluttering Your Digital Life

  1. Clean Your Inbox: Regularly delete unnecessary emails and unsubscribe from unwanted newsletters.
  2. Organize Files: Create a clear folder structure for digital files and delete duplicates.
  3. Manage Apps: Delete unused apps from your phone and organize the remaining ones into folders.
  4. Tidy Your Desktop: Keep your computer desktop clear by organizing files into folders.
  5. Sort Photos: Regularly go through digital photos, deleting duplicates and organizing the rest.
  6. Limit Notifications: Turn off unnecessary notifications on your devices to reduce digital clutter.
  7. Backup Data: Regularly back up important digital files to ensure you don’t lose anything valuable.

Decluttering Your Mind

  1. Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness practices like meditation to clear mental clutter.
  2. Set Priorities: Focus on what truly matters and let go of less important tasks and commitments.
  3. Limit Multitasking: Concentrate on one task at a time to reduce mental overload.
  4. Declutter Your Schedule: Regularly review your calendar and eliminate non-essential commitments.
  5. Journaling: Write down your thoughts and feelings to process and clear mental clutter.
  6. Digital Detox: Take regular breaks from digital devices to rest your mind.
  7. Simplify Goals: Set clear, achievable goals and break them down into manageable steps.

Decluttering Your Lifestyle

  1. Simplify Your Diet: Focus on whole, nutritious foods and eliminate processed items from your pantry.
  2. Streamline Wardrobe: Create a capsule wardrobe with versatile pieces that you love and wear often.
  3. Limit Social Media: Reduce the time spent on social media and curate your feeds to include only positive, inspiring content.
  4. Mindful Shopping: Practice mindful shopping by only purchasing items that add value to your life.
  5. Declutter Relationships: Surround yourself with positive, supportive people and let go of toxic relationships.
  6. Simplify Hobbies: Focus on a few hobbies that you truly enjoy rather than trying to do everything.
  7. Reduce TV Time: Limit the time spent watching TV and engage in more meaningful activities.

Decluttering for Special Events

  1. Holiday Decluttering: Before the holiday season, declutter your home to make room for decorations and guests.
  2. Spring Cleaning: Use spring as an opportunity to deep clean and declutter every room in your home.
  3. Back-to-School: Before the new school year, declutter kids’ rooms and study areas to create an organized environment.
  4. Moving Prep: If you’re moving, declutter thoroughly to reduce the amount you need to pack and transport.
  5. Hosting Guests: Before hosting guests, declutter common areas to create a welcoming space.
  6. New Year’s Declutter: Start the new year with a fresh, organized home by decluttering in January.

Decluttering Sentimental Items

  1. Set Limits: Decide on a specific amount of space for sentimental items and stick to it.
  2. Photograph Items: Take photos of sentimental items before letting them go to preserve the memory.
  3. Create a Memory Box: Keep a small box for your most cherished sentimental items.
  4. Be Selective: Only keep items that truly hold significant meaning to you.
  5. Digital Memories: Scan or photograph sentimental items to keep digital versions.
  6. Gift Items: Consider giving sentimental items to family or friends who may appreciate them.

Decluttering for Kids

  1. Involve Kids: Encourage children to participate in the decluttering process to teach them organization skills.
  2. Limit Toys: Keep a manageable number of toys and rotate them to keep playtime interesting.
  3. Use Bins: Store toys and books in bins or baskets for easy cleanup.
  4. Create Play Zones: Designate specific areas for different types of play (e.g., reading corner, art station).
  5. Label Storage: Use labels or pictures to help kids identify where things belong.
  6. Encourage Donations: Teach children about the importance of donating toys they no longer play with.

Decluttering for Seniors

  1. Simplify Living Spaces: Create an accessible and clutter-free living environment for safety and comfort.
  2. Organize Medications: Use pill organizers and keep medications in one place.
  3. Tidy Keepsakes: Help seniors sort through keepsakes and decide which items to keep.
  4. Accessible Storage: Ensure frequently used items are easy to reach and stored at a convenient height.
  5. Reduce Furniture: Simplify furniture arrangements to create more open space.
  6. Clear Walkways: Keep walkways clear of clutter to prevent tripping hazards.

Maintaining a Clutter-Free Home

  1. Regular Maintenance: Schedule regular decluttering sessions to maintain an organized home.
  2. Adopt the One-In, One-Out Rule: For every new item you bring in, remove one item to prevent accumulation.
  3. Stay Mindful: Be mindful of your purchases and only buy what you truly need and love.
  4. Create Habits: Develop daily habits to keep your home tidy, such as making the bed and cleaning up after meals.
  5. Involve the Family: Get the whole family involved in maintaining a clutter-free home.
  6. Set Boundaries: Designate specific areas for different activities to keep clutter contained.
  7. Celebrate Progress: Recognize and celebrate your decluttering achievements to stay motivated.

Advanced Decluttering Tips

  1. Minimalist Wardrobe: Create a capsule wardrobe with versatile pieces that you love and wear often.
  2. Furniture Declutter: Simplify your furniture to create a more open and spacious living environment.
  3. Paperless Home: Transition to a paperless home by digitizing documents and reducing paper clutter.
  4. Declutter Diet: Simplify your diet by focusing on whole, nutritious foods and eliminating processed items.
  5. Minimalist Hobbies: Focus on a few hobbies that bring you joy rather than trying to do everything.
  6. Digital Detox: Regularly disconnect from digital devices to rest your mind and reduce digital clutter.


Decluttering is a journey, not a destination. By incorporating these 60 tips into your routine, you can create a more organized, efficient, and peaceful home in 2024. Remember to start small, set goals, and celebrate your progress along the way. Happy decluttering!

FAQs About Top 115 Decluttering Tips To Get Organized in 2024

1. How can I start decluttering without feeling overwhelmed?

Starting small is key. Begin with a single drawer or a small area to build momentum. Set clear, achievable goals for each session, and use a timer to work in manageable chunks of 15-30 minutes. This approach helps prevent overwhelm and keeps you motivated.

2. What should I do with items I no longer need?

Use the “Four-Box Method” to sort items into categories: Keep, Donate, Trash, and Relocate. Donate gently used items to charity, recycle or responsibly dispose of trash, and find appropriate places for items you need to keep but store elsewhere.

3. How often should I declutter to maintain an organized home?

Regular maintenance is crucial. Schedule routine decluttering sessions, such as monthly or seasonally, to prevent accumulation. Incorporate daily habits like tidying up after meals or making the bed to maintain a clutter-free environment.

4. What are some effective ways to declutter sentimental items?

Set limits on the space for sentimental items, such as a small memory box. Photograph items before letting them go to preserve the memory digitally. Be selective and keep only items that hold significant meaning. Consider giving sentimental items to family or friends who may appreciate them.

5. How can I involve my family in the decluttering process?

Encourage each family member to participate by assigning specific areas or tasks. Teach children organization skills by involving them in sorting toys and clothes. Set a regular family decluttering day and celebrate progress together to stay motivated and create a collective effort.

6. How does decluttering contribute to mental well-being?

Decluttering reduces stress, enhances focus, and promotes a sense of control over your environment. A tidy, organized space can improve sleep quality and overall happiness. By removing physical clutter, you create a more peaceful and harmonious living space, positively impacting your mental health.

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